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Queens Award Winners

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

On the 23rd of May 2019, Trace2o won the coveted Queens’s award for International Trade. Trace2o won the Queen’s award for International Trade for Outstanding Short Term Growth in overseas sales over the last three years. Starting from scratch in 2015, the company now sells to over 56 countries worldwide with overseas sales growing by 265% across the last five years. Our typical Developing world clients include NonGovernment Organisations such as Oxfam, World Vision and Medecins sans Frontiers. Our recent success through UNICEF and the Long Term Arrangement for the supply of water testing kits and portable Laboratories, awards us at least a 50% share of the marketplace globally.

The official ceremony was conducted at our Thatcham headquarters on the 15th of July and the company was presented the award by the Lord-Lieutenant of Berkshire. James Puxely, who presented the official award and commemorative glass bowl on behalf of the Queen. In terms of ceremonies, it was a relaxed occasion with the team enjoying a speech about the importance of the Queen’s award and its significance globally. All proceedings finished off with a glass of celebratory bubbly and we were back to work.

Finally, on the 7th of June, Chris Stapleton and Neil Durham had the pleasure of meeting with royalty in the flesh. The Queen’s award recipients met with the Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace and were even able to tell him a bit about the company and its success. The photos suggest that Prince Charles was very impressed with Neil’s visit to Ouagadougou. Impressed that a place with such a name actually does exist. Neil Durham, Managing Director and CEO, said: “The directors are all delighted that such an award could be won in such a short time, and it could not have been possible without the total dedication and hard working attitude of the Trace2o staff.” “It also represents a personal level of satisfaction, since this is the third time such an award has been won, as Trace2o’s sister company Wagtech has also won the Queen’s Award on two occasions in the past.” “The Queen is very well known and respected not only in Commonwealth countries but on a global basis, so such an award is viewed very highly among Trace2o’s agents, distributors and overseas clients.”

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